About us

Manthan Award recognizes best practices in the area of e-content, creativity, innovation and development. Ever since the Manthan Award was instituted in 2004 under the framework of World Summit on Information Society, it has given birth to several more entities. Manthan Award looks at how these tools and digital media impact the masses, especially people living in remote areas and difficult areas. Digital Empowerment Foundation in partnership with World Summit Award, Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India and various other stakeholders like civil society members, media and other similar organizations launched the award in India on 10th October 2004.These establishments engaged in promoting digital content inclusiveness in the whole of South Asia for development. The Award has now extended its horizon from Indian states to almost all of Asia Pacific.To felicitate innovations from North East India we conduct the North East Award every year. Later in 2010, Manthan Award gave birth to mBillionth Awards to especially focus on mobile innovations.Due to the regular increase in nominations the competition is getting very tough for all nominees. Small-scale regional level innovations are suffering and getting overpowered by large-scale innovations. Keeping in mind the main objective of Manthan Award, which is to recognize small-scale local innovations Digital Empowerment Foundation, is poised to launch a separate entity called Manthan Award South West India.to recognize digital innovations at regional level. The award will focus exclusively on the 11 states of India in South and West.Considering that every year Manthan Award receives maximum nominations from South and West India, especially Maharashtra the first edition of South West Award is scheduled to take place in Pune. The subset of Manthan Award has been created to encourage more grassroots ICT innovators to participate and present their innovation and get a chance to be recognized at a national level.
“To create an information rich society where everyone, irrespective of caste, religion, race, region, gender etc., is empowered to create, receive, share and utilize information and knowledge through digital content for their economic, social, cultural and political upliftment and development”.
The core objective of the Manthan Award process is giving visibility to the already existing content and thus demonstrating the richness and diversity of digital innovations to those interested in understanding and planning an Information Society.Manthan Award tries to demonstrate the existing range of creativity and excellence in the use of the IT tools and communication networks to every stakeholder. The ICT tools can be computer, PCs, laptops, mobiles, tablets, wireless, radios, televisions, telephones, IVR and other mediums like audio and video, text and social media Etc.